The structural theoretical model most common in therapeutic structural bodywork is called “Tensegrity”, and it is an almost purely mechanical model that, when applied to the human body, assesses and compares the relative lengths and tonus of muscle and fascia and their relationship to the structure of the human body.
Tensegrity, applied to the human body, largely ignores any aspects of fluid pressure. It focuses instead on fascial length and tonus from insertion to attachments but gives little regard to the fluid or fluid pressure within its membranes. With fluid being more than 60% of our makeup, and support within the body largely provided by fluid pressure held within a framework of fascial membranes, the structural model of Tensegrity appears incomplete at best, and our attempts to solely develop and complicate a tensegrity-based understanding of the body has us understandably ‘failing to see the forest while we are lost in the trees’. In science, life, or otherwise, 'the approach often dictates the results'. And here we’ve been, essentially reasoning by analogy for decades and more, and the results reflect as such. Data reflecting the benefits and successes of massage and bodywork in general unfortunately shows no more than a marked inconsistency. Therapeutic massage and bodywork in general, remains a fairly marginalized profession with rather scattered theoretics and almost no consistency in teaching. Educational standards are extremely low and the availability of higher-level students is often lacking. Theoretically, massage and bodywork exists in the realms of “quasi-science” and has yet to be in any way vetted by scientific process. However, and rather importantly, it should be noted that inconsistent or short-term results are a fair deal better and far more encouraging than no results, or only negative results. Bodywork, despite it’s flaws, has hung around for thousands of years and has still managed to find it’s niche in medicine -- either as benign treatment or something to try before more dangerous alternatives such as surgery or opiates. |
Deane states about nerves and innervation: "The quality of their function is susceptible to changes in pressure, distortion, and viscosity," and identifies the process driving these changes essentially as one of compression of the nervous system. While compression of a nerve by soft tissue is a possibility, what Deane is chiefly alluding to and what we are primarily concerned with is in-between bone (interosseous) compression.
All nerve routes at some point run between a bone space - always initially at the spine itself (the central nervous system (“CNS”) and exiting nerve roots that create the peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the thoracics, the exiting nerves run between the ribs. Clavicle/Rib 1 compression is a commonality in thoracic outlet syndrome. In the periphery, a nerve can be compressed between the tibia/fibula in the lower leg and the radius/ulna in the arm. “Sciatica” is a nerve compression of the sciatic nerve/sacral plexus and often involves a distortion of the sacrum and compression of the sacral plexus within the pelvis. |
While nerves can be compressed by soft tissue, it is the interosseous compression that creates the most serious of problems to where surgery becomes a viable option. In-between bone compression, a product of structural distortion, results in a physical loss and change of space for the nerves running through those spaces. And as space changes, fluid movement and relative pressure change within the nervous system, just as they would in your plumbing.
Viscosity "Viscosity" as mentioned by Deane Juhan above, is defined as "the state of being thick, sticky, and semi-fluid in consistency". We often think of viscosity as applied to motor oil and the internal combustion engine - also a pressurized system. But in a fluid system in the body, such as the nervous system, the makeup of the fluid involved is much much more complex than motor oil. Cerebral spinal fluid is packed with proteins, peptides, neurotransmitters, etc. Hence the question: if the nervous system works upon a fluid, chemical reaction, how does viscosity affect those reactions, the strength of those reactions, and their speed? In general, a more viscous fluid system is normally associated with with a relative stagnancy in movement - like a muddy river with no flow. Lack of movement, stagnancy and viscosity, all relate to fluid "concentration" and makeup. Here, with a mind-bogglingly complex fluid makeup at hand, and a system full of compressions, movement and pressure fluctuations, we then ask the question, "how does compression of the neural system affect fluid concentrations within that system? And how does fluid concentration affect neural function? I explored this question in the two concept paintings here. The first painting looks at neural activity as a chemical reaction, the second looks at in-between bone compression, and how that may change the concentrations, viscosity, and flow of the fluids within. Sensitivity to Pressure Change
From the slightest breath of wind to mild changes in the weather, our nervous system is incredibly aware of pressure both internal and external. "Touch" and it’s fabled power is partly an extension of a much broader and deeper subject -- the nervous system's sensitivity to pressure. And while we may banter about on the importance of touch, without understanding touch within its proper framework in the realm of pressure, I'm not sure we get very far. When pressure gets extreme - for example ‘compartment syndrome’ or severe swelling, it is a hospital emergency. A zit or a boil can become excruciating, and both are examples of very minor pressure distortions just in the epidermis. A puncture wound is the sudden loss of pressure. And in the spine, unrelenting nerve pressure and compression drive millions every year to surgical options. One could argue that the relationship between pressure and pain is more than casual, but at a more fundamental level, there is absolutely no question that we are extremely sensitive to pressure and pressure change. Arguably, there is nothing we are more sensitive to. |
The Compensatory Process
From observation, we have seen that a structural distortion in the body will tend to create compensations elsewhere. For example, if the pelvis is tilted forward with an accompanying "lordosis" (exaggerated lumbar curvature), a compensatory curve will often develop above in the thoracics. This is often called “kyphosis” or “kyphotic curvature”. Scoliosis and compensations of a rotational nature are also readily seen on the average body. A rotation in the lower aspects of the spine and pelvis will demand a compensatory rotation further up the chain. This is easily observable. The question is: what is driving this compensatory process we see in the human body? Arguably, two of the most preeminent fundamental factors in our context and makeup - gravity and pressure. In gravity, when one segment shifts forward of a vertical axis, a segment elsewhere will likely shift in the other direction in order to create balance around a vertical line. But gravity alone fails to explain how a traumatic distortion higher in the spinal chain may cause a structural compensation elsewhere, including in the lumbar area and pelvis. |
And where we certainly see shortened muscle groups accompany an anterior pelvic tilt and kyphotic pattern, the question remains, are the shortened muscle groups driving the process or simply just along for the ride? From a practical perspective, having spent many years as a Rolf Structural Integration practitioner and having lengthened my fair share of shortened hip flexors, I found that doing so had often a minimal and short-lived effect on the anterior tilt of the pelvis. Perhaps my work could have been better, however, I kept hitting on a few glaring facts: 1. Muscles (and associated fascia) are stupid. They contract, then relax, then contract, then relax, contract, relax, contract, relax… They are the foot soldiers of the body. The idea that shortened local muscle tissue is driving a what is obviously a complex compensatory process in the body just doesn’t compute. We may however, allow that shortened muscles and fascia are still a big part of the human body and rather likely, a good part of problem when we are addressing a distorted structure. But simply lengthening shortened muscles does nothing to influence the control of the muscle, and without influencing control, our muscular interventions are short-lived. Historically in bodywork, the issue of permanence when solely addressing the structure of the body through a tensegrity approach has always been an issue. 2. Muscles are reactive in nature. They do what they are told, and it is the nervous system that tells them what to do. In the absence of neurological input, such as in paralysis, muscles do nothing. Muscles are of course reactive to input through the “somatic nervous system” or “voluntary” nervous system where muscles are controlled through a person’s voluntary input. But what of non-voluntary nervous system input that controls the normal resting length or tonus of a muscle? Where is the control, and can we affect it? Through a Tensegrity approach we have attempted to directly change the normal resting length of muscles and associated fascia by manually lengthening them. But “normal” resting length and tonus is an “autonomic” function of the nervous system is set by the nervous system, not by the muscle tissue itself. And when voluntary muscular input is absent, the muscle and fascia will return to a resting length and tonus dictated solely by the nervous system. Absent this neural information, such as in paralysis, the muscle loses all internal pressure, tonus, and quickly will atrophy. The question thus becomes: If muscle and fascial length and tonus is integral to the balance of the structure of the body, how then do we influence the normal resting length and tonus outside of directly lengthening the reactive tissue? To answer this question, it may help to look at a common situation that heightens the body’s autonomic input to muscle and fascia, i.e.: throwing one’s back “out”. In this situation we are generally referring to an occurrence where a person has twisted in such a way that a nerve in the lumbar or sacral area has become seriously compressed (the mechanics of which are described in Sections E and F). The body’s immediate reaction to the compression is to cause the surrounding musculature and fascia to “spasm” or severely increase in tonus in order to establish a musculature “holding pattern”. The spasms and holding patterns are created by the body so that no further compression to the affected nerve will occur. The holding pattern, however, while helping to prevent further harm, also tends to prevent the twist from subsiding, the normal resting lengths of associated muscles and fascia from resetting, and the body from returning to normal. If we look at the process at play, it appears quite convincingly that compression of a nerve causes local associated soft tissue (muscle and fascia) to increase in tonus and shorten in order the prevent further damage and compression on the nerve. We then must ask the question, if this process is happening in extreme cases, should not the process also be happening in less extreme cases of compression? If chronically, there is compression on a nerve, should we not expect a chronic muscular and holding pattern to accompany the compression? The answers to the latter questions more than likely being yes, we then may surmise that if compressions are happening comprehensively through the whole of the body, then muscular holding patterns are also happening throughout the whole of the body at differing degrees, respective to the degrees of compression at associated neural pathways. To create long-term change and affect muscular holding patterns as well as the ‘normal’ resting length and tonus of a muscle, a roundabout approach is required. Rather than directly attempting to lengthen the reactive soft tissue, a more rational approach would be to reduce the compression on the nerve by opening the joint space, thereby decreasing the neural input to the soft tissue causing it to hold and shorten. |
While there may be other processes in the human body that affect the length and tonus of the soft tissue, there is little doubt that the compression of nerve space has a direct correlation. In practice, I’ve solved far more acute holding patterns by gently de-compressing a particularly twisted joint space than I ever have or could by lengthening the reactive tissue around it. And when the joint space is decompressed, the neural system allows the associated muscle and fascia to relax without direct intervention. Thus, in order to create the length we seek, we may do so indirectly by increasing joint space. Thus, length in the soft tissue may be a derivative of neural space.
Conversely, it doesn’t work well the other way around. It is quite difficult to simply impossible to increase a joint space, especially intervertebral (between the vertebrae) joint space, by simply lengthening the soft tissue around it. Why? Again, soft tissue holding is neural reaction. And the shortening of the soft tissue may be in part due to the compression at the same joint. The hold is the effect. But even if holding patterns in muscle and fascia were a cause rather than an effect, we run into purely physical limitations in practical application. In spinal work, we are typically confronted with distortions which are relative and specific vertebrae to vertebrae (for example, a distortion between L4 and L5). Our muscles and fascia typically span multiple vertebrae. Superficial fascia, our first layer of fascia, wraps the entire body. How then may we be specific to a distortion that is specific to a particular vertebrae? |
Most commonly, bodyworkers in general are not very particular. Even in structural therapeutic bodywork, practitioners often “shotgun” their spinal work. "Shotgunning" is a gross and non-specific 'release' to the posterior fascia. There is an absence of particularity. A Tensegrity approach with particularity to vertebrae would require specific attention to individual paravertebral muscle - multifidus, rotatores, spinales, etc… Again that very few practitioners of bodywork ever attempt this degree of particularity. Along with particularity comes a very high degree of difficulty. |
To note, the space between ribs and the size of ribs themselves as typically illustrated reflect most often a symmetrical, well-balanced body with little to no distortion. These illustrations often have very little to do with what is normally occurring in the average body with typical distortion. Skeletons are also confusing. The average skeleton or model lacks any typical human distortion. Actual skeletal bones (by which models are created) are also substantially desiccated and do not reflect their true mass or size. The heavy ligament beds, tendons, and intercostal fascial membranes that accompany a living body cannot be represented with a skeleton, nor do they show well with an x-ray. Both skeletons and x-rays remain somewhat of a confusing and misleading gauge in our perception of available neural space. This likely creates a societal bias in our understanding of the body. |
In practice, the average body will display multiple points of immobility and fixation in the thoracic region. Smaller ribs above may fixate at multiple points into the ribs below. While fixations are common in the posterior of the body, they are often seen in the anterior aspects of the body. As ribs fixate and movement is restricted, fluid pressures are distorted and structural support is lost. The thoracic compresses and begins collapsing.
A collapsed anterior chest is the hallmark of old age. It is also rather prevalent in the young as well, these days attributed to too much computer and smart-phone usage, as well as heavy backpacks. At a young age we may call the structural collapse a kyphosis, and absent a known trauma, is generally thought of as “idiopathic” (unknown cause) and possibly of genetic origin. We may also simply attribute the issue to "poor" posture or laziness, without a proper understanding of the physicality at play. |
In the pelvis and lumbar region, the sacrum is held within an extremely heavy ligament bed and has limited movement. Movement potential changes dramatically with L5 and the beginning of the lumbars. A second dramatic change occurs between L5 and L4. L5, while having much greater movement potential than the sacrum, is yet confined within the iliac crests and within a fairly heavy ligament bed. L4, however, is generally free of the iliac crest and the density of the ligament bed is decreased relative to L5. The result is an increasing ability to compensate, rotate, and distort in the vertebrae above the sacrum. Add to this the position of the lumbars with respect to gravity and the tendency for L5/L4 to shift anteriorly in the body...
The most common site for disc herniation in the human body is S1/L5 followed closely by L5/L4. We may then ask “What is L5 and L4 trying to compensate to that the sacrum cannot?” The answer, in practice, is often below the sacrum, at the coccyx. The diminutive tailbone, often thought of as “fused” and incapable of movement. But move it can, and distort it will, especially at an early age and given the right amount of trauma . And across the planet, there is only one true biped, and that particular species is the only animal on the planet that significantly and repeatedly traumatizes the very end of it’s spine in learning how to walk. If a twist in the spine has repercussions throughout, then a twist to even the smallest of segments has an impact through the whole. No part exists in isolation. |
Acute disc herniation at L4/L5. Debilitating, my client lost feeling in his foot and needed a cane to walk. Bodywork interventions were initially successful, but then fell to inconsistent. Surgery to clean out lingering disc debris was necessary. Post surgery, the pain was improved but the movement issues and loss of feeling remained.
As my accuracy and understanding improved, my client did as well. Multiple sessions later, the cane is no longer necessary and the client has regained a significant degree of feeling back into the foot.
Although the change in movement potential is more gradual here, distortions working their way up from the pelvis and lumbars will likely see a high degree of compensation at the T12 area. Where the mid-thoracics often lack space to compensate to other patterns, the T12 area does not. The heavier, more immobile mid and upper thoracic will also tend to hinge and twist at its narrower, more mobile base -- where it can.
This is also an area of notable difference in relative organ pressures that adds to the likelihood of distorted movement patterns - with a dense, large, liver on the right with relatively stable pressure, and a wildly fluctuating stomach on the left. Higher degrees of compensation, rotation and shift, are typically accompanied by higher degrees of neural compression. T12 and its surrounding area is predisposed to both. Muscular pain and strain will also accompany the compressions. However, most importantly, this area in particular is often the location of more difficult organ issues - liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach/upper GI. Compressed neurology here will likely contribute to a host of issues. |