Above we have several random pictures taken of past clients with a vertical axis drawn through their respective pelvis'. On the vast majority - a rough sample, we see the upper thorax and bodymass deviating rightwards of that line. This is especially apparent in the upper body, shoulders and head.
With the human body, we see similar problems and patterns all the time, yet everyone is different. "Same-same but different" is a Thai expression well-suited here. One very common thing we may note in the human form is a right shoulder dipping relative to the left shoulder. We see it more often than not. However, It doesn’t happen all the time and to the right is an example of a scoliosis showing the opposite -- a left shoulder dipping relative to the right: |
However what remains consistent in this picture with the above collage is the tendency for there to be relatively more body mass to the right of the center vertical line, drawn through the middle of the sacrum. While many of the above collage pictures show bodymass shifting rightwards up near the shoulders, in the picture to the right it is instead occurring heavily at the lumbars and lower thoracic, with the upper thoracic struggling to compensate by shifting back leftwards.
What is the significance of this? Is this imbalance simply cosmetic, or is it possible that our imbalance to a center line in the field of gravity has an impact into the health and function of the human body far beyond what we may realize? The answer is likely, yes. And it is here that we will examine those likelihood's and the reasonings behind them, as well as the human body's natural tendency to distort in a widely similar way through a widely similar process. |
Would it be any surprise to find that the neanderthal had a heavy asymmetry to a vertical line? In this study, a natural lumbar kyphosis was found in neanderthal lumbar spines:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2525911/ A lumbar kyphosis/loss of lordosis generally results in a lack of balance to a vertical line in the sagittal plane (as seen from the side). Without a lumbar lordosis, the overall posture is hunched.
At right, a lack of a lumbar lordosis forces flexion at the hips and knees to approach balance to a vertical line. The picture came from a study from the International Journal of Spine. http://ijsonline.co.in/positive-sagittal-balance-and-management-strategies-in-adult-spinal-deformities/ Hence, from the side, we may well conclude that the neanderthal was more hunched than the average modern human. This would of course correlate with an expected evolutionary process from quadruped to fully, upright biped.
The next question is "was the neanderthal typically more lopsided as well?" Findings of relatively heavier right musculature would suggest that the asymmetry of the neanderthal applied to far more than just the sagittal plane. They would suggest that not only was the neanderthal more hunched than the modern human, but more lopsided as well. Taken as a whole, there is no question that the spine was more primitive and less balanced in comparison with the more modern cro magnon. And that is where things start to get even more interesting. |
To tip the pelvis forward, L5 has a measure of mechanical advantage and influence on the pelvic bowl due to it’s position at the top of the pelvis, and bound through a number of significant ligaments. Thus, as L5 slides forward in the body, it has a tendency to take the pelvic bowl with it and into a forward tilt.
But while L5 slipping forward is routine, L5 rotating and shifting to the right side is also fairly common as well. Palpation of L5 often finds it to be in right rotation with respect to S1 and L4. This relative rotation to S1 and L4 should not be confused with an overall group pattern of spinal rotation. In the lumbars, the normal group pattern of rotation (multiple vertebrae) is to the left. However, the typical L5, while often rotating left within a larger group pattern, may also rotate right respective to L4 and S1. More importantly, the combination of a forward shift and a right rotational tendency may also allow L5 to shift rightwards as well. Thus two shifts may present themselves in the average body -a forwards and rightwards shift of L5. Coupled with its mechanical advantage on the pelvis, the shifts at L5 may then tilt the top of the pelvic bowl and with it, the bottom of the abdominal cavity. As the pelvic bowl tilts, the fluid contents within are displaced, resulting in an overall loss of hydrostatic pressure through the abdominal cavity and up the right side. |
Often we see this rightwards group rotation occurring in between two leftward group rotations, one at the pelvis and lower lumbar, and a second at the shoulder level. This is a common pattern in scoliosis and also overall in the human form. The T12 area also tends to be vulnerable to both distortion and extremes in distortion. There are many reasons why this is so and those reasons are well-scrutinized in both Theoretics 1 and again in Methodology 2. Suffice to say, when things go rightwards at T12, they tend to really go right.
As well, the rightwards group rotation is most often coupled with a posterior shift of the vertebrae at that level -- i.e.: a general back shift of the lower thoracic vertebrae that results in a greater kyphotic curve (the "hunch"). The vertebral back-shift and right rotation then combine to add an element of a lateral right shift (i.e.: to the side), which takes the entire thoracic cavity above with it. The result is a rightwards lean of the overall structure and a loss of support below the right side of the thoracic. The shoulders, upper thoracic, neck and head, are then left to attempt to compensate to the lack of support and asymmetry to a center line. |